Elenco indirizzi Case d'asta e Commercianti
AG AUCTION GALLERY Via Aretina, 18R - 50136 Firenze - Italia tel.+39 (0) 055 04 57 959, fax +39 (0) 055 04 57 956 www.auctiongallery.it, e-mail info@auctiongallery.it Social Network: Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Instagram |
AG CO - AGENCE COLLECTIONS Rue Salvador Allende 33, B-7134 Binche (Belgio) tel. 0032 (0)478 994 681, fax 0032 (0)478 990 150 www.agco.be, e-mail info@agco.be |
ALEX di Giordano Falciatori e C. via Marangoni 3, 46100 Mantova MN tel. 0376.327768, fax 0376379611 www.alexfilateliaenumismatica.it , e-mail alex@alexfilateliaenumismatica.it |
ANONIMA FRANCOBOLLI Via S. Maria Segreta 7/9, 20123 Milano tel. 02.874389, 392.8875256, fax 02.86994926 www.anonimafrancobolli.it, e-mail info.afmilano@gmail.com |
AP SRL - AUCTION PHILA Corso Porta Romana 132, 20122 Milano MI tel. 02.58320824, fax 02.58318688 www.asteap.com, e-mail info@asteap.com |
BALASSE Rue de Midi 45a, B-1000 Bruxelles (Belgio) www.maisonbalasse.be, e-mail balasse@skynet.be |
BASSI Studio Filatelico di M. De Palo viale Tupini 108, 00144 Roma RM tel. e fax 06.5919807 |
BEHR 30, avenue de l’Opera, F 75002 Paris www.behr.fr, e-mail pascal.behr@behr.fr |
BENNETT Matthew Bennett, Inc. 200 Rector Place, Suite 41D, New York, NY 10280 (USA) tel. 800.638.4223, 212.842.0425 (local), fax 212.217.9331 www.bennettstamps.com, e-mail info@bennettsstamps.com |
BOLAFFI via Cavour 17, 10123 Torino tel. 011 5576300, fax 011 5620456 www.bolaffi.it, e-mail aste@bolaffi.it |
BONHAMS 101 New Bond Street, London W1S 1SR (Inghilterra) www.bonhams.com |
BOULE 10, rue de la Grange Batelière, F-75009 Paris (Francia) www.boule-philatelie.fr, e-mail contact@boule-philatelie.fr |
BRNOFILA P.O. Box 40, 621 00 Brno 21 (Repubblica Ceca) home.tiscali.cz/brnofila, e-mail brnofila@tiscali.cz |
CASATI via Agnesi 5, 20052 Monza MI tel. 0392328340, 335.212544, fax 0392300370 www.casatiaste.it, e-mail tacasat@tin.it |
CAVENDISH 153-157 London Road, Derby DE1 2SY (Inghilterra) www.cavendish-auctions.com, e-mail stamps@cavendishphilauc.demon.co.uk |
CENTRO DEL COLLEZIONISMO via Piccolomini 3/d, 34125 Trieste TS tel. 040 635312, fax 040 635984 www.centrodelcollezionismo.com, e-mail info@centrodelcollezionismo.com |
Cérès 23, rue du Louvre, F-75041 Paris cedex 01 (Francia) tel. 01 42 33 31 91, fax 01 42 33 61 67 www.ceres.fr, e-mail infos@Ceres-philatelie.com |
CFI CENTRO FILATELICO ITALIANO Rialto – Strada Provinciale Vallonina, 02010 Micigliano (Rieti) tel. 0746.261188, fax 0746258654 www.cfifilatelia.com, e-mail info@cfifilatelia.com |
CHIANI Hochschorenstrasse 31, CH-9200 Gossau (Svizzera) tel. ++41(0)71 385 85 66, fax: ++41 (0)71 385 97 36 www.chiani.ch, e-mail info@chiani.ch |
COLL.IT Via Stresa 134, 00135 Roma tel. 06.35509025, fax 06.5075616 www.collit.it, e-mail collit@collit.it |
COLLECTIO di Alexandre A. Galinos P.O. Box 3138, G-10210 Atene (Grecia) email kollecti@otenet.gr |
CORINPHILA Zollicherstrasse 226, CH-8034 Zuerich (Svizzera) tel. 0041 1 3831060, fax 0041 1 3830914 www.corinphila.com, e-mail info@corinphila.ch |
DEIDER Nordendstrasse 56, D-80801 Muenchen - Schwabing (Germania) www.deider.de, e-mail deider@ngi.de |
DELHAYE rue du Midi 34, B-1000 Bruxelles (Belgio) www.daviddelhaye.com, e-mail info@daviddelhaye.com |
DONNINI Studio Filatelico via Calimala 2, 50123 Firenze FI tel. 055.283183, fax 055.2398038 |
DOROTEUM Dorotheergasse 17, A-1010 Wien (Austria) tel., fax www.dorotheum.com, e-mail stamps@dorotheum.at |
FELDMAN Route de Chancy 175, CH-1213 Onex (Svizzera) www.davidfeldman.com, e-mail admin@davidfeldman.com |
FELDMAN 108 West 39th Street, 8th Floor, New York, NY 10018 (USA) www.davidfeldmanusa.com, e-mail usainfo@davidfeldman.com |
FELZMANN Immermannstrasse 51 D-40210 Düsseldorf (Germania) tel. +49 211 550440, fax +49 211 5504411 www.felzmann.de, e-mail info@felzmann.de |
FILARTE via Val Grana 8, 00141 Roma RM tel. 06.8125661, 06.8121878, fax 06.8106816 www.filarte.it, e-mail info@filarte.it |
FILATELIA DEL RE Via Della Moscova 60, Milano MI tel: +39.02.86915655, +39.331.6664500, +39.331.6664502, fax: +39.02.80298252 www.filateliadelre.com, e-mail: antica@filateliadelre.com |
FILATELIA LLACH Diagonal 489, E-08029 Barcelona (Spagna) tel. 93 410500 fax 934194728 www.filateliallach.com, e-mail fillach@filateliallach.com |
FILATELIA MAZZINI MILANO Via Giuseppe Mazzini 6, 20123 Milano - Italia tel. e fax +39 (0) 02 8692430 www.filateliamazzinimilano.it, e-mail info@filateliamazzinimilano.it Social Network: Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Instagram |
FILATELIA TRIVENETA Via Roma 93, 35122 Padova tel. 049663427, fax 049655965 www.filateliatriveneta.eu, e-mail info@filateliatriveneta.eu |
FILOSATHELIA Via Toledo 406, 80132 Napoli tel. 081 6584273, fax 081 2142435 www.filosathelia.com, e-mail info@filosathelia.com |
FISCHER Via Torino, 160-161-162, 00184 Roma RM tel. 06.4743574, fax 06.4880159 www.filateliafischer.it, e-mail info@filateliafischer.it |
FOCH & PIRC Ptujska ul. 23, SI-1000 Lubiana (Slovenia) e-mail fock@orpo.si, fockpirc@hotmail.com |
GAERTNER Steinbeisstrasse 6, D-74321 Bietingen-Bissingen (Germania) www.auktionen-gaertner.de, e-mail info@auktionen-gaertner.de |
GAZZERA Viale Porta Piacentina 47, 10024 Moncalieri TO tel. e fax www.filatelia-gazzera.com, e-mail contact@filateliagazzera.com |
GAZZI ALBERTO Borgo SS. Apostoli 18, 50123 Firenze FI tel. 055.282345, 338.1693560, fax 055.218637 www.albertogazzi.com, e-mail info@albertogazzi.com |
GHIGLIONE Piazza San Matteo 6b rosso, 16123 Genova GE tel. 010.2473530-2473207-2473287, fax 010.2473295 www.ghiglione.it, e-mail info@ghiglione.it |
GILARDI via Cimarosa, 9/A 20144 Milano MI tel. 02.4692813, fax 02.48004472 www.gilardifilatelia.it, e-mail filgila@tin.it |
GIORGINO - MARCHAND Route du Prieur 35, CH-1257 Landecy (Svizzera) www.giorgino.ch, e-mail giorgino@giorgino.ch |
GOETZ Steinhof 12, Postfach 1242, D-77696 Oberkinch (Germania) www.goetz-auktion.de, e-mail goetzauktion@t-online.de |
HA HARMERS Via Balestra 7, CH-6900 Lugano (Svizzera) tel. www.harmersauctions.com , e-mail info@harmersauctions.com |
HARBOUR AUCTIONS Divisione della Matthew Bennett International 1954 Greenspring Drive, LL 18, Baltimore, Maryland 21093 (USA) www.bennettstamps.com, e-mail info@bennettsstamps.com |
HARMERS OF LONDON 2 Loddon Park Farm, New Bath Road, Twyford, Berkshire RG10 9RY www.harmers.com, e-mail info@harmers.com |
HUIS - BERLINGIN Lawenastrasse 64, FL Triesen (Liechtenstein) tel. +, fax + e-mail huys@supra.net |
INASTA piazza Tini 11, 47819 Dogana (RSM) tel. 0549.970146, fax 0549970163 www.inasta.com, e-mail info@inasta.com |
INTERSTAMPS Via S.Anna dei Lombardi 10, 80134 Napoli tel. 081.5510309, fax 081.5517251 e-mail interstamps@fastwebnet.it |
INVESTPHILA Via Motta 64, CH-6900 Lugano (Svizzera) tel. 00 41 91.9116200, fax 00 41 91.9222052 www.investphila.com, e-mail info@investphila.com |
ITALPHIL Piazza Mignanelli 3, 00187 Roma RM tel. +39 06 6780669, fax +39 06 6794045 www.italphil.org, e-mail info@italphil.org |
JURANEK Plenergasse 10/3, A-1180 Wien (Austria) tel. +43 664 326 66 69 www.briefmarken.co.at, e-mail office@briefmarken.co.at |
JAMET BAUDOT POTHION 24, Rue De Gramont, F-75002 Paris (Francia) tel. +33 1 42965112, fax +33 1 42960467 e-mail jametbaudot@free.fr |
JB STAMP AUCTIONS 91, Triq Manwel Dimech, Sliema SLM 14 (Malta) www.sliemastampshop.com.mt, e-mail sales@sliemastampshop.com.mt |
KARAMITSOS 34, Tsmiski str., 54623 Thessaloniki (Grecia) www.karamitsos.com, e-mail karamitsos@karamitsos.gr |
KLIM Pob 472, 660 72 Brno (Repubblica Ceca) www.filatelie-klim.com |
KÖHLER Wilhelmstrasse 48, D-65183 Wiesbaden (Germania) tel. 0049 (0611) 39381, fax 0049 (0611) 39384 www.heinrich-koehler.de, e-mail auction@heinrich-koehler.de |
KRONENBERG Postfach 320, Hirschgaesslein 44, CH-4010 Basel (Svizzera) www.kronenberg-auktionen.ch, e-mail info@kronenberg-auktionen.ch |
LADEWIG Kunpfmueler Str. 8, D-93047 Regensburg (Germania) www.Ladewig-Briefmarken.de, e-mail info@Ladewig-Briefmarken.de |
LAHITTE & MARSANOUX 7, place Gailleton, F-69002 Lyon (Francia) tel. 04.72.775444, fax 04.78426304 |
LANDMANS Via dell’Unione 7, 20122 Milano tel. 02.8057789, fax 02.86919628 www.landmans1905.com, e-mail info@landmans1905.com |
LASER INVEST via Londra 12/14, 46047 Porto Mantovano MN tel. 0376.399901, 339.7950833, fax 0376.385775 www.laserinvest.com, e-mail info@laserinvest.com |
LENZ Thurgauer Strasse 1, D-78224 Singen (Germania) www.briefmarken.com, e-mail info@briefmarken.com |
LEGENDA via Petrolini, 18/c, 42100 Reggio Emilia RE tel. 0522 550310, fax 0522 551275 |
LOTH Friedrich-Koenig-Strasse 21, D-55129 Mainz (Germania) www.lothauktionen.de, e-mail info@lothauktionen.de |
LUGDUNUM 12, place Xavier Ricard BP87, F-69110 Sainte Foy Les Lyon (Francia) www.lugdunum-philatelie.com , e-mail lugdunum.philatelie@wanadoo.fr |
MARKEN-MUELLER Postfach, CH-4246 Wahlen bei Laufen Industriestrasse 16, CH-4222 ZWIGEN (Svizzera) tel. 0041 617611414 fax 0041 61 7611418 e-mail marken-mueller@datacomm.ch |
MARZOCCO Studio Filatelico Marzocco di Lorenzo Lazzerini Scali Cialdini 33, 57123 Livorno tel. 0586951376, fax 0586951021 www.astemarzocco.it, e-mail info@astemarzocco.it |
MERCURIUS Schoenenbuchstrasse 26, CH-4123 Allschwil 2 (Svizzera) www.mercurius-ag.com, e-mail service@mercurius-ag.com |
MOHRMANN & CO. Baerenallee 43, D-22041 Hamburg (Germania) www.edgar-mohrmann.de, e-mail info@edgar-mohrmann.de |
MONSTER via Goethe 28, 39100 Bolzano tel. 0471975753, fax 0471069727 e-mail info@filatelia-monster.com |
NUMPHIL 2, rue de Provence, F-75009 Parigi e-mail contact@boule-philatelie.fr |
ÖEPHILA Postfach 161, Fuehrichgasse 12, A-1015 Wien (Austria) www.oephila.at, e-mail mail@oephila.at |
PASI via Roma, 12 - 27041 Casanova Lonati PV tel. e fax 0385 57531 |
PERUCCHI Hirschmattstrasse 29, CH-6002 Luzern (Svizzera) |
PHILEST via Garibaldi, 68 - 34074 Monfalcone GO tel. e fax 0481 411409 www.philest.com, e-mail philest@philest.com |
PHILIPPA Vaestra Hamngatan 6, S-411 17 Goeteborg (Svezia) e-mail g.fredrikson@telia.com |
POSTILJONEN Hans Michelsensgatan 9, S-211 20 Malmö (Svezia) tel. +46 40258850, fax +46 40258859 www.postiljonen.se, e-mail: stampauctions@postiljonen.se |
POTSDAMER Apfelweg 12, D-14469 Potsdam (Germania) www.potsdamer-phila-buero.de, e-mail auktion@potsdamer-phila-buero.de |
QUATTROBAJOCCHI via Caltanissetta 2/b, 90141 Palermo PA tel. e fax 091.6250309 www.quattrobajocchi.com , e-mail info@quattrobajocchi.com |
RAPP Toggenburgestrasse 139, Postfach 276 CH-9500 Wil (Svizzera) tel. +41 71 9237744, fax +41 71 9239220 www.rapp-auktionen.ch, e-mail info@rapp-auktionen.ch |
RAUCH Graben 15, A-1014 Wien (Austria) www.hdrauch.com , e-mail austro@hdrauch.com |
RAUHUT Werdener Weg 44, D-45470 Muelheim an del Ruhr (Germania) www.rauhut-auktion.de, e-mail harald.rauhut@rauhut-auktion.de |
ROBINEAU 5, rue Druot, F-75009 Parigi (Francia) tel. 0033 1 47701690 fax 0033 1 47704396 |
RÖLLI Seidenhofstrasse 2, CH-6003 Lucerna (Svizzera) www.roelliphila.ch , e-mail info@roelliphila.ch |
ROUMET 17, rue Drouot, F-75320 Paris Cedex 09 (Francia) tel., fax www.roumet.fr, www.roumet-hp.fr, e-mail roumet@roumet.fr |
RUSSEL Manoir de Bellemare, F-72600 Saint Longis (Francia) www.timbresrussel.fr, e-mail etude-gregory.russel@sfr.fr |
SAMMARINESE Piazza Enriquez 22, 47891 Dogana (RSM) tel. 0549.910225, fax 0549.909742 (prefisso dall'estero 00378) www.filsam.com, e-mail contact@filsam.com |
SAN SIRO di Roberto Gattoni e Graziella Grazzini via San Siro 16, 20149 Milano MI tel. 02.4694600, fax 02.43316782 www.filateliasansiro.com, e-mail info@filateliasansiro.com |
SANTACHIARA Viale IV Novembre 4, 42121 Reggio Emilia tel. 0522 455966 - 451433, fax 0522 430146 www.sergiosantachiara.com, e-mail info@sergiosantachiara.com |
SCHLEGEL Kurfuersterdamm 200, D-10719 Berlin (Germania) www.auktionshaus-schlegel.de, e-mail mail@auktionshaus-schlegel.de |
SCHWANKE Kleine Reichenstrasse 1, D-2047 Hamburg (Germania) www.schwanke-sohn.com, e-mail auktion@schwanke-sohn.com |
SCHWARZENBACH Merkurstrasse 64, CH-8032 Zuerich 7, (Svizzera) schwarzenbach-auktion@bluewin.ch |
SILVIA VACCARI POSTA AEREA E SPAZIO via Buonarroti 46, 41058 Vignola MO tel. 059.771251, 059.764106, fax 059.760157 www.airmailandspace.com, e-mail sv@vaccari.it Social Network Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Instagram |
SIMONS 26, avenue du Grand Bois, B- 1410 Waterloo (Belgio) tel. www.olivier-simons.com , e-mail oliviersimons@swing.be |
SINTONI P.le Falcone Borsellino 8, 47100 Forlì FC tel. e fax + 39 (0) 0543.55.00.55 www.sintoni.com, e-mail info@sintoni.com |
SOLER Y LLACH calle Beethoven 13, E-08021 Barcelona (Spagna) tel. 0034 932018733, fax 0034 932023306 www.soleryllach.com, e-mail info@soleryllach.com |
SPINK 69 Southampton Row, Bloomsbury, London WC1B 4ET (Gran Bretagna) www.spink.com, e-mail info@spink.com Rappresentante italiano: Adriano Landini, Viale E. Bezzi 79, 20146 Milano tel. 0248019449, fax 0248511324, e-mail adriano.landini@fastwebnet.it |
STAMP CORNER di Filippini Flavio Casella Postale 303, Imfangring 5, CH-6000 Lucerna 14 (Svizzera) tel. +41 (0)41 3604412, fax +41 (0)41 3606382 www.stampcorner.ch, e-mail online@stampcorner.ch |
STANLEY GIBBONS 399 Strand London WC2R OLX www.stanleygibbons.com, e-mail auctions@stanleygibbons.co.uk |
STELTZER Rudolfstrasse 13-17, D62327 Frankfurt am Main (Germania) tel. +49 69 234131, fax +49 60 24278410 |
STUDIO FILATELICO MANCINI Largo Vassella 31, 00199 Roma tel. e fax 06.8607700 e-mail luigimancini@luigimancini.com |
STUDIO FILATELICO SCOLARI Largo Crocetta 1, 20122 Milano MI tel. e fax 02.55193612 www.studiofilatelicoscolari.com, e-mail studiofilatelicoscolari@virgilio.it |
STUDIO FILATELICO STRIPPOLI via Principe Eugenio, 31 00185 Roma tel. e fax 06 490667 e-mail philstrip@ciaoweb.it |
SUPERIOR GALLERIES 9478 West Olimpic Boulevard, Beverly Hills, California 90212-4246 (USA) tel. 001 310 2039855, fax 001 310 2038037 www.sgbh.com, e-mail info@sgbh.com |
TORRES 36 Southampton Street, Strand, London WC 2E 7HE (Gran Bretagna) e-mail TorresUK@aol.com |
STUDIO FILATELICO TOSELLI via Matteotti 143, 18038 San Remo IM tel. + 39 (0) 0184.531528, fax + 39 (0) 0184.570366 www.toselli.com, e-mail toselli@toselli.com |
TYROL PHILA Wetterherrenweg 23, A-6020 Innsbruch (Austria) tel. 0043.512.361.532, fax 0043.512.365.630 www.tyrol-phila.at, e-mail info@tyrol-phila.at |
UNIVERSAL Philatelic Auctions P.O. Box 5678, Helensburgh G84 9WE Argyll, Scotland (Gran Bretagna) tel. 0044 01436670301, fax 0044 01436670294 e-mail andrew.nwpj@pipemedia.co.uk |
VACCARI via Buonarroti 46, 41058 Vignola MO tel. 059.771251, 059.764106, fax 059.760157 www.vaccari.it, e-mail info@vaccari.it Social Network Vaccari srl: Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Instagram Social Network Vaccari Shop: Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Instagram |
VIENNAFIL Auerspergstrasse 2/4 A, A-1010 Wien (Austria) tel. +43 (0)1 4051457 www.viennafil.com, e-mail info@viennafil.com |
VOJTA Michael Vojta Briefmarken-Auktionen Nikolsdorfergasse 8/8, A-1050 Vienna (Austria) tel. +43-(0)1-5484130, fax +43-(0)1-5450701 www.vojta-philatelic-auctions.at , e-mail Michael.Vojta@24on.cc |
WUERTTEMBERGISCHES Relembergstrasse 78, D-70174 Stuttgart (Germania) |
ZANARIA via S. Margherita 6, 20121 Milano tel. 02 8052427, fax 02 8051186 www.zanaria.com, email info@zanaria.com |
ZUCCARI via Crescimbeni 13, 62100 Macerata tel. e fax 0733.234828 |
ZURICH ASIA Divisione della Matthew Bennett International Room 2101-2, 21st floor - Java Road 108 Commercial Centre 108, Java Road, North Point, Hong Kong (Hong Kong) tel. 00.852.2507.5770, fax 00.852.2519.6820 |