Federation of the Italian Philatelic Societies
The Federation of the Italian Philatelic Societies (Federazione fra le Società Filateliche Italiane, FSFI), founded in 1919, is a free national non profit organization, inspiring its action to cultural voluntarism. It has the aim to reunite all the societies, unions, clubs and groups which include philatelic collecting in their by-laws, to coordinate, support and develop a commun action of promotion and knowledge of philately. The Federation promotes the diffusion of philately through editorial activity, organization of congresses and seminars, aasignment of awards and any other proper activity. It represents the majority of the Italian philatelic societies and the Italian philatelists in the international organizations.
Mail address:
Federazione fra le Società Filateliche Italiane
Casella Postale 227
I - 47900 RIMINI RN
Tel. and Fax: +39 54128420, e-mail: info@fsfi.it
Secretary's office opening hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 17-19; Wednesday 10-12
In this website you can find useful info about the Italian philately, national and local societies and groups, philatelic events, exhibitions,
news, auctions. Please note that this website is in Italian.
Here is a selection of pages:
FSFI home page
Federation's who is who
Federated Societies
Italian philatelic events
International exhibitions
FSFI Literature
"QUI Filatelia" Magazine
Philatelic auctions and sales reviews
Philatelic dealers
Italian stamp issues
Italian special postmarks
About the site
Philatelic links
Contact us
The Federation of the Italian Philatelic Societies is member of FIP Fédération Internationale de Philatélie.